The Best Way to Format a Blog Post

Blog posts are a great way to let clients and prospects sample your knowledge and expertise. While the the main pages of your website are mainly used for selling your products and services and explaining the various features, your blog should mainly be used for education and information about the products and services you offer. […]

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2019 New Year’s Resolutions for My Own Business

Writing a blog post about my own professional New Year’s resolutions is not just a way for me to share it with you, the reader, but a way for me to document my upcoming goals as a business owner for 13 years.  Writing down my resolutions creates a checklist that helps me stay accountable to […]

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When NOT to Use SEO

A large part of our business is conducting professional Search Engine Optimization services for small and medium-sized businesses. So you might be surprised to learn that we talk ourselves out of more SEO projects than not. Or, more accurately, we talk our clients out of doing SEO. Many people see, hear and read about various […]

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Eight Things I Learned Running My Own Business

Before starting Samson Media I had been a public relations video producer for over 20 years.  It was around 1995 that I became enamored by the Internet.  As a hobby, I had started a website based on my dog called the Adventures of Lucy The Wonder Dog.   This side hustle (working full time and commuting […]

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Why Your Business Needs To Be On Facebook

Love it or hate it, Facebook commands attention for your business. With over 1.71 billion monthly active Facebook users and an average time spent per visit of 20 minutes (Source: Infodocket), Facebook is too big to ignore. You may or may not enjoy using Facebook in your personal life but from a purely business standpoint, […]

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LinkedIn Experts on LinkedIn

Prospecting on LinkedIn, even before the Pandemic of 2020, is now all the rage. But as I recently noted in this post I wrote about LinkedIn earlier in 2020, I can’t help feeling like the platform itself is becoming the “New Spam.” KILLING THE GOLDEN GOOSE As with any tactic and technique that shows some […]

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SEO Case Study – Sales Coach

Granted, we’ve been optimizing the website for our client Susan Ascher for a couple of years now, so it’s no surprise that her SEO rankings have soared, but it’s still worth noting all the ongoing efforts that we perform that have worked to get this long-time coaching client toward the top of page 1 […]

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New Law Firm Website Launched

When newly-formed, New York City-based law firm Schickler-Kaye needed a new web presence, we created a new logo and a new WordPress website that highlighted their practice areas, legal team and latest news with a blog. See our complete portfolio of law firm websites HERE

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Why It’s Important to Manage Your Business Listings

Customers are looking for businesses in ways they never could before: on-the-go and on foot.  Making sure your business information is accurate online is the key to making sure your customers can find you. These business listings are often referred to as “citations” and which Google uses as a top 5 ranking factor according to […]

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Google Restricts Keyword Planner Data

As if SEO wasn’t challenging enough already, as of August 2016, Google has opted to restrict search volume data in their Keyword Planner after making this announcement: Advertisers with lower monthly spend may see a limited data view in the Keyword Planner. For example, you may see values such as 0, 1-100, 100-1K, 1K-10K, 10K-100K, […]

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