How Contractors Should Leverage Houzz

If you are a building contractor, remodeler, landscape architect, home improvement specialist or a similar type home design specialist or decorator, you probably know about Houzz. Similar to Angie’s List but for more design-oriented professionals, Houzz is one of the first place consumers who are in the market for a kitchen, bath remodeler or contactor […]

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10 Things Your Website Must Have to Be Successful

Websites come in all flavors and stripes, reflecting the wide variety of companies and the businesses they serve.  While some sites are ecommerce sites selling products directly from the site itself, most are virtual calling cards and store fronts designed to communicate a series of messages.  The question is, what message is your website communicating […]

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Is Solopreneurship For You? Webinar Replay!

Is Solopreneurship For You? Free Webinar Replay! Find out if you have the “right stuff” to go into business for yourself. As a result of today’s uneven job market, many people turn to starting their own businesses as a solution to those challenges. Or perhaps you’ve been downsized but still need to work. Or you […]

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Guest Blogging with BuzzSumo

Having links to your website from other sites is referred to as “inbound linking.”  Having inbound links from other sites is a TOP 3 ranking factor according to Google which means it’s very important for your SEO.   While inbound linking is extremely important to your SEO, it is also one on the most difficult things […]

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Facebook or Google Adwords?

While there are many ways to advertise online we’re going to focus on the Big Two and the differences and similarities between them.  And when we talk about the Big Two, we’re talking about Facebook and Google Adwords. Facebook and Google both offer Pay Per Click models, which means you are charged only when someone […]

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Making Your WordPress Website Disability Friendly

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, all users have equal access to information and functionality. But how do you make your website more accessible? Well if you have a WordPress website you’re […]

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What’s the Deal With Geo-Targeting?

You may have heard about geo-targeting, geo-fencing or geo-tracking as an aspect of targeted advertising. For the purposes of this blog post, will just refer to it as “geo-targeting.”

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Another New Law Firm Website Launched

When attorney Kevin Kilcommons wanted to update his website that we built for his franchise law practice 5 years ago, he paid us the ultimate compliment by being a returning client and having us build his second new website. The new WordPress site was built using the mobile-friendly DIVI Theme.   View our entire portfolio HERE

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New Site Launched for Executive Coach

When Organizational Development Consultant and Executive Coach Karen Noble needed a new website, we build a new WordPress site with a blog to help her tell her story and educate her prospects and clients. SEE HOW WE CAN HELP YOUR COACHING PRACTICE:

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New Website Launched for Printing Company

When this forms printer and mailing company needed a new website to showcase their services, we built a colorful new website to show off their various product offerings.  UFF is a small private company doing big work, trusted by Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, government agencies, political campaigns, and small local businesses to do their important projects […]

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