Increase Your Medical Practice’s Profitability with an Effective Website

Many medical practitioners tend to be so busy providing excellent patient care, that they have little time to dedicate to the business side of their practices. But as with any service industry, your medical practice is a business and that business needs to be profitable. One tool you can’t overlook is your website. Why is […]

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Coaches on Coaching

According to a recent study by The International Coach Federation (ICF), which offers voluntary accreditation to coaching schools and functions as a coaching self-regulatory organization, they found that there are an estimated 53,300 life coach practitioners in the world, with 17,500 in North America. That’s a lot of coaches, nearly one coach for every 18,000 […]

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Four Reasons Why Free Website Builders Are A Waste of Time & Effort

Maybe you registered a domain name with GoDaddy or Network Solutions and saw a tempting offer for a low cost or free website building tool.  Or saw an eye-catching ad for a free Squarespace or WIX site. Claims of “Free,” “Easy,” “Stylish templates” are very tempting.  But here’s my advice why you should run for […]

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Top 12 Tools I Use For My Business

2021 marks the start of our 15th year in business which is not only bucking the odds but is a pretty solid accomplishment according to a Small Business Trends study that states that most new businesses don’t make it beyond year two. The study went on to say that of all small businesses started in […]

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Surveying 2016 with a Look Towards 2017

Well that went fast! Looks like another year is nearly in the books so it’s time for our annual survey results. Thanks to all those subscribers of our newsletter for taking valuable time out from their busy days to fill out our year-end survey.  You’ll find some interesting results below. It’s this time of year […]

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How Your Website Can Improve Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is one of the most important metrics you can use to determine your success as a medical practitioner. Once a patient leaves your medical practice, your ability to improve satisfaction is over. Or is it? Read on to see how a well-designed website can not only create a better experience for your patients, […]

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What Comes Before Referrals?

As I began to interview various coaches for a book project I am working on, one thing became clear very quickly:  Word of mouth referrals are the best source of new business. I believe this to be true for any type of business. Referrals put you at the front of the line, connecting you with […]

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Promote Your Expertise Not Your Product

How Content Marketing is Changing Everything Whether you are a pet store owner or a divorce attorney, communicating your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) has always been a basic tenant of good business and good marketing. Granted, you may be the best darn dog walker or house painter that ever lived but if people don’t know […]

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Why Websites Still Matter

There is a lot of online competition these days vying for a users’ attention — TikTok, Facebook, social media in general, not to mention the copious number of videos on YouTube and other platforms.  For small and medium-sized businesses, some pundits are even questioning the need for websites at all for a variety of reasons, or […]

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How To Make Your Website Work For Your Business

You may have the greatest website in the world in terms of layout and design but if your website isn’t helping you grow your business what’s the point? It’s like having a highly attractive sales person who sits around all day planning their vacation and taking naps in between. If you don’t expect your website […]

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