Love is in the Air Freedom Flight

A message from the SATO Project on their recent successful mission to save almost 200 dogs and cats: Thank you so much for sponsoring a lucky sato’s travel crate on our special ‘Love is in the Air’ Freedom Flight. The airplane safely landed this morning and now all 190 dogs and cats onboard have begun […]

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Success Story: American Bicycle Group Bicycle Manufacturer

Originally Published by The New York Times American Bicycle Group Bicycle Manufacturer, Chattanooga, TN When the pandemic took hold in late March, sales at Peter Hurley’s high-end bicycle business collapsed. Mr. Hurley furloughed employees while his management team developed safety protocols and tried to adapt. But the pause turned out to be brief: A month […]

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The Anatomy of a Logo

When Livingston Bagel in Livingston, NJ, wanted to refresh their logo and rebrand themselves to match the totally redesigned bagel shop and deli, we were brought in to create a new, updated logo for their store front and menus, both in print and online. Creating logos can be both rewarding and frustrating work because it’s […]

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Myth Busting B2B Marketing

Business-to-business marketing changed drastically over the last decade. While many B2B companies have been slow to catch on to the importance of SEO and PPC marketing tactics, their relevance to B2B digital marketing campaigns has only grown. Real or disputed, there are still several myths about B2B marketing strategies that endure that need to be […]

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What Facebook’s Ad Text Rule Change Means for Your Marketing Strategy

There’s a big change on the horizon when it comes to ad marketing on Facebook. The much-reviled “20 percent rule” for the social media giant is gone. The rule limited an advertiser’s text to a maximum of 20 percent of an ad’s size – as calculated by a Facebook online tool that it forced advertisers […]

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Why Are These People So Happy?

Click the video below… Now more than ever it’s important that your prospects can find you when searching on Google for the products and services you sell.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the gift that keeps on giving!  Not ready for a full-blown SEO campaign? You can test the waters with our $99 website audit.  […]

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The Top Five WordPress Security Vulnerabilities

All WordPress developers know that you need to tend WordPress sites and keep the themes a, plugins and WordPress itself updated. WordPress websites, for better or worse, are NOT set it and forget it.  Especially in this day and age with hackers and spambots seemingly running amok and not a day goes by without hearing […]

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Increase Your Medical Practice’s Profitability with an Effective Website

Many medical practitioners tend to be so busy providing excellent patient care, that they have little time to dedicate to the business side of their practices. But as with any service industry, your medical practice is a business and that business needs to be profitable. One tool you can’t overlook is your website. Why is […]

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How Your Website Can Improve Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is one of the most important metrics you can use to determine your success as a medical practitioner. Once a patient leaves your medical practice, your ability to improve satisfaction is over. Or is it? Read on to see how a well-designed website can not only create a better experience for your patients, […]

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For the Love of Dogs – Supporting a Great Cause

With all the human suffering and need out there you might ask me, “Why dogs?” Well, as a lifetime dog owner and dog lover, I feel that animals in general and dogs specifically, are often at the mercy of human beings.  And not always in a good way. Dogs are dependent on their humans to […]

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