Why Your Business Needs To Be On Facebook

Love it or hate it, Facebook commands attention for your business. With over 1.71 billion monthly active Facebook users and an average time spent per visit of 20 minutes (Source: Infodocket), Facebook is too big to ignore. You may or may not enjoy using Facebook in your personal life but from a purely business standpoint, […]

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Guest Blogging with BuzzSumo

Having links to your website from other sites is referred to as “inbound linking.”  Having inbound links from other sites is a TOP 3 ranking factor according to Google which means it’s very important for your SEO.   While inbound linking is extremely important to your SEO, it is also one on the most difficult things […]

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When this New Jersey filmmaker needed a site to show off their wares, we created a website with a small gallery  along with other information about their film services. SEE MORE MEDIA SITES HERE.

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How To Use Your Search Query Data

If you’re a SEO client or Content Marketing client of Samson Media you’ve probably been receiving detailed monthly reports that show a variety of data about your website’s performance. The reports pull in data from a combination of sources that include your Google Analytics as well as your Google Search Console data (formerly Google Webmaster […]

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New Website Launched for Executive Coach

When solopreneur coach Susan Ascher needed an updated site to promote her Mastermind groups and networking events, we built her a site with an interactive Events Calendar  so she could accept payments and schedule events. SEE MORE COACHING SITES HERE.

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New Website Launched for Warehouse Company

We built this family-owned business a clean and fresh website to promote their diverse clean-outs and order-fulfillment services. SEE MORE CONTRACTOR sites HERE.

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How Much Marketing Money Do You Need?

Starting a small business is a massive undertaking even before the pandemic. Once you have your startup funds and a basic employee team, you’ll be tempted to take a breather. Don’t stop work yet, though. For customers to invest in your product or service, they need to find you, either through the search engines or […]

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Small Businesses That Are Thriving During the Pandemic

While in the midst of the pandemic but also beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we’ll spotlight small business success stories that will hopefully inspire and motivate you during these crazy times. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, author of the Art of War, “In the midst of chaos there is always […]

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Success Story: Happy Cork Wine Shop

Originally Published by The New York Times Happy Cork Wine Shop, Brooklyn, NY When Ms. Foss and her husband, Remo, opened their wine store in March 2019 on a lightly trafficked side street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, hours would sometimes pass without a sale. “We would stand on the street and beg people to come […]

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Ghost Kitchens Find a Home in Empty Hotels

Originally Published by The New York Times Ghost kitchens, also called digital kitchens, are cooking facilities that produce food only for delivery or takeout. And as U.S. cities bounce from one lockdown to another, keeping restaurant dining rooms shuttered, demand for the concept is booming. Euromonitor, a market research firm in London, predicts ghost kitchens […]

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