Surveying 2016 with a Look Towards 2017

Well that went fast! Looks like another year is nearly in the books so it’s time for our annual survey results. Thanks to all those subscribers of our newsletter for taking valuable time out from their busy days to fill out our year-end survey.  You’ll find some interesting results below. It’s this time of year […]

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The Best Way to Format a Blog Post

Blog posts are a great way to let clients and prospects sample your knowledge and expertise. While the the main pages of your website are mainly used for selling your products and services and explaining the various features, your blog should mainly be used for education and information about the products and services you offer. […]

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How to Protect Yourself From Getting Beat Up By Your Web Designer

Another week, another maimed and bruised client who arrives at my door step after being used and abused by unscrupulous website designers who disappear without a trace taking all the client’s logins, passwords or website files with them. I personally don’t know any web designers who do what I’m about to describe since everyone in […]

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How to Take Full Advantage of Your Google My Business Listing

The Google platform offers a tremendous amount of utility to virtually any business owner, but not every business owner takes full advantage of all the tools available to business owners through Google. Most of them are 100% free!  One of the most potent tools for capturing local search traffic is the Google My Business tool, […]

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I just rediscovered this old blog post from 2007 and it was an amazing enough story that I thought it was worth resurrecting it since it’s no less amazing now then it was 12-13 years ago. How did I spend my summer vacation in 2007?  Well, that’s me (right) and my son, Sam, at the […]

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Four Reasons Why Free Website Builders Are A Waste of Time & Effort

Maybe you registered a domain name with GoDaddy or Network Solutions and saw a tempting offer for a low cost or free website building tool.  Or saw an eye-catching ad for a free Squarespace or WIX site. Claims of “Free,” “Easy,” “Stylish templates” are very tempting.  But here’s my advice why you should run for […]

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3 Effective Ways an Effective Website Can Help Landscaping Companies Attract Commercial Clients

In today’s competitive business environment, landscaping companies need to adopt effective strategies if they want to attract more commercial landscaping accounts and clients. While traditional marketing methods still hold value, having a strong online presence is crucial. A well-designed website can serve as a powerful tool to attract potential clients, showcase expertise, and stand out […]

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