New Website for Aquarium Retailer

We created a new WordPress Website that communicated this Clifton, New Jersey retailers extensive commitment to conservation and education in addition to simply selling fish and aquarium supplies.  The site has an active blog with many articles about their worldwide conservation and education efforts as well as links to their online store. You can view […]

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New Website Build For Driving School

When Right Way Driving School needed a new website to provide ease of access for sample written tests, application forms and license applications, we built new mobile-ready WordPress site with downloadable forms and other resources. View our complete website portfolio HERE

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Google to Favor Mobile Sites in Search

As more and more people access the Internet on mobile devices, Google will begin to use the mobile-friendliness of websites as a ranking factor in their new algorithm. The new algorithm was released April 21, 2015 and is part of Google’s shift towards favoring mobile sites in it’s on-going efforts to return the most relevant […]

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LinkedIn Experts on LinkedIn

Prospecting on LinkedIn, even before the Pandemic of 2020, is now all the rage. But as I recently noted in this post I wrote about LinkedIn earlier in 2020, I can’t help feeling like the platform itself is becoming the “New Spam.” KILLING THE GOLDEN GOOSE As with any tactic and technique that shows some […]

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New Website Launched for College Planning Company

When the College Benefits Research Group needed a new, mobile-friendly website and an easy way to add their on-going Workshops and Seminars, we built a snazzy new website and customized a robust WordPress plugin to completely modernize their sign up process.

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Build It and Will They Come?

One of my all-time favorite movies was Field of Dreams where Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner, heard voices telling him that if “You build it, they will come.” Maybe in the movies. But in business, that is definitely NOT the case. Marketing For Brick & Mortar And that applies to both brick and mortar […]

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New Video Launched for Commercial Painter New Jersey

We created this snappy overview video for commercial painting company Prizm Plus Painting based in New Jersey.   The video was added to the commercial painters website to not only offer an overview of their myriad services but to also encourage visitors to the website to stay longer by viewing the video.  Time spent on site, […]

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Allocating Money for Marketing

In the midst of a pandemic, America’s workforce is undergoing a huge overhaul.  Layoffs, furloughs and fears of commuting and other factors are having many workers think about starting their own businesses out of necessity. Even in the best of times, recent studies show most business owners don’t know how to market themselves or even […]

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New Website Built for Investment Firm

When this New York City investment form needed an updated website that was mobile and easily updatable, we built and designed a new WordPress website that allowed them to upload market updates and strategy fact sheets as well as other timely documentation. VIEW OUR FINANCIAL SERVICES WEBSITE PORTFOLIO HERE

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Thanks to All Those Who Came to the Lunch & Learn

Thanks to Ted & Ilene Polmar from Market Share Communications for inviting me to speak at their Biz Circles lunch and learn. The topic?  How to use buyer’s Guides and lead magnets to generate qualified leads. You can learn about upcoming Biz Circles events by clicking here.

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