New Jersey Web Design Companies

While it’s true that you can work with any website design company in the world thanks to the Internet, as a website design company based in New Jersey, we find that many local New Jersey businesses prefer to work with a local website design company based right in the Garden State. The reasons that many […]

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Eight Things I Learned Running My Own Business

Before starting Samson Media I had been a public relations video producer for over 20 years.  It was around 1995 that I became enamored by the Internet.  As a hobby, I had started a website based on my dog called the Adventures of Lucy The Wonder Dog.   This side hustle (working full time and commuting […]

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2019 New Year’s Resolutions for My Own Business

Writing a blog post about my own professional New Year’s resolutions is not just a way for me to share it with you, the reader, but a way for me to document my upcoming goals as a business owner for 13 years.  Writing down my resolutions creates a checklist that helps me stay accountable to […]

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New Law Firm Website Launched

When newly-formed, New York City-based law firm Schickler-Kaye needed a new web presence, we created a new logo and a new WordPress website that highlighted their practice areas, legal team and latest news with a blog. See our complete portfolio of law firm websites HERE

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Celebrating 15 Years In Business

As we celebrate 15 years in business as of December 2020, I look back at the long, winding journey and remember the fear and anxiety of giving up a steady paycheck for the uncertainty of self-employment.  I remember weighing the pros and cons but no matter how many lists I made or books and articles […]

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Top 12 Tools I Use For My Business

2021 marks the start of our 15th year in business which is not only bucking the odds but is a pretty solid accomplishment according to a Small Business Trends study that states that most new businesses don’t make it beyond year two. The study went on to say that of all small businesses started in […]

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Coaches on Coaching

According to a recent study by The International Coach Federation (ICF), which offers voluntary accreditation to coaching schools and functions as a coaching self-regulatory organization, they found that there are an estimated 53,300 life coach practitioners in the world, with 17,500 in North America. That’s a lot of coaches, nearly one coach for every 18,000 […]

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New Website Launched for Career Coach

When this New York city Life Coach needed a new site that was easy to update and SEO friendly with a responsive design, we designed a new WordPress site using the popular DIVI theme.  You can see this and other web sites we’ve built for Career and Executive coaches HERE.

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New Website Launched For Industrial Pump Company

When this New Jersey industrial pump distributor needed a new website we built them a new WordPress site that focused on their pump repair, installation and service. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE MANUFACTURING WEBSITES

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New Website Launched for Childcare Business

When Great Beginnings Learning Center needed a new website, we built them a new WordPress website that highlighted their various programs for infants and toddlers.  Built toward the start of the pandemic, the site needed to communicate the safety measures for the children as well as the staff.  The site also acts as a solid […]

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