Being in this business, sometimes I forget that not everyone knows what the term SEO means.  Heck.  I’m sure there are tons of folks out there who have no idea what Search Engine Optimization means, which is what the acronym SEO stands for. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of making a website more visible […]

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New Video Launched for Commercial Painter New Jersey

We created this snappy overview video for commercial painting company Prizm Plus Painting based in New Jersey.   The video was added to the commercial painters website to not only offer an overview of their myriad services but to also encourage visitors to the website to stay longer by viewing the video.  Time spent on site, […]

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Four Reasons Why Free Website Builders Are A Waste of Time & Effort

Maybe you registered a domain name with GoDaddy or Network Solutions and saw a tempting offer for a low cost or free website building tool.  Or saw an eye-catching ad for a free Squarespace or WIX site. Claims of “Free,” “Easy,” “Stylish templates” are very tempting.  But here’s my advice why you should run for […]

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How to Take Full Advantage of Your Google My Business Listing

The Google platform offers a tremendous amount of utility to virtually any business owner, but not every business owner takes full advantage of all the tools available to business owners through Google. Most of them are 100% free!  One of the most potent tools for capturing local search traffic is the Google My Business tool, […]

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SEO Case Study – Sales Coach

Granted, we’ve been optimizing the www.susanascher.com website for our client Susan Ascher for a couple of years now, so it’s no surprise that her SEO rankings have soared, but it’s still worth noting all the ongoing efforts that we perform that have worked to get this long-time coaching client toward the top of page 1 […]

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2019 New Year’s Resolutions for My Own Business

Writing a blog post about my own professional New Year’s resolutions is not just a way for me to share it with you, the reader, but a way for me to document my upcoming goals as a business owner for 13 years.  Writing down my resolutions creates a checklist that helps me stay accountable to […]

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The Best Way to Format a Blog Post

Blog posts are a great way to let clients and prospects sample your knowledge and expertise. While the the main pages of your website are mainly used for selling your products and services and explaining the various features, your blog should mainly be used for education and information about the products and services you offer. […]

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Google Implements Core Algorithm Update

That shifting you felt beneath your feet in early March of this year (2018) wasn’t an earth quake.  Per se.  It was a huge core update to the Google Algorithm that probably dropped your rankings significantly. If you’re a Samson Media SEO client you may see a large shift in your search engine rankings for […]

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Location, Location, Location — How it Impacts Your SEO

You’ve all heard the cliché used by property experts, that the three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property are “location, location, location”. Well, the same can be said for your local SEO. Here’s why: When someone in Las Vegas does a search for “Career Coach,” Google will attempt to return results for career coaches […]

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How To Use Your Search Query Data

If you’re a SEO client or Content Marketing client of Samson Media you’ve probably been receiving detailed monthly reports that show a variety of data about your website’s performance. The reports pull in data from a combination of sources that include your Google Analytics as well as your Google Search Console data (formerly Google Webmaster […]

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