How to Protect Yourself From Getting Beat Up By Your Web Designer

Another week, another maimed and bruised client who arrives at my door step after being used and abused by unscrupulous website designers who disappear without a trace taking all the client’s logins, passwords or website files with them. I personally don’t know any web designers who do what I’m about to describe since everyone in […]

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Using Buying Guides to Generate Leads

Benefits of a lead magnet What is a Lead Magnet? Elements of a successful Lead Magnet Sample Lead Magnets What you will need to implement a successful lead magnet Where you can use Lead Magnets Lead Magnet results You have a website to help people learn more about the BENEFITS of your products and services, […]

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8 Things to Improve Your Local NJ SEO Results

Local SEO is where it’s at for many businesses.  Pursuing a local SEO strategy can pay off big for companies looking to come up on page 1 of Google.  Those looking to come up in national searches will find it more of an uphill climb.  While it is possible, we council our clients to try […]

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Top 12 Tools I Use For My Business

2021 marks the start of our 15th year in business which is not only bucking the odds but is a pretty solid accomplishment according to a Small Business Trends study that states that most new businesses don’t make it beyond year two. The study went on to say that of all small businesses started in […]

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Guest Blogging with BuzzSumo

Having links to your website from other sites is referred to as “inbound linking.”  Having inbound links from other sites is a TOP 3 ranking factor according to Google which means it’s very important for your SEO.   While inbound linking is extremely important to your SEO, it is also one on the most difficult things […]

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How To Make Your Website Work For Your Business

You may have the greatest website in the world in terms of layout and design but if your website isn’t helping you grow your business what’s the point? It’s like having a highly attractive sales person who sits around all day planning their vacation and taking naps in between. If you don’t expect your website […]

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New Salon Website

When Cindi Galiher recently decided to partner with expert hairstylist Kathy Korab to open a new salon that brings top hairstyling, coloring, and the latest hair treatments to Chatham, New Jersey, we created a WordPress website with a gallery to feature their work and a staff spotlight to feature their stylists.  We also launched and manage […]

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New Law Firm Website Launched

When newly-formed, New York City-based law firm Schickler-Kaye needed a new web presence, we created a new logo and a new WordPress website that highlighted their practice areas, legal team and latest news with a blog. See our complete portfolio of law firm websites HERE

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Thanks to All Those Who Came to the Lunch & Learn

Thanks to Ted & Ilene Polmar from Market Share Communications for inviting me to speak at their Biz Circles lunch and learn. The topic?  How to use buyer’s Guides and lead magnets to generate qualified leads. You can learn about upcoming Biz Circles events by clicking here.

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What Will Life Look Like After the Pandemic?

Nobody can predict the future.  But one thing is for certain:  the pandemic of 2020+ will change a lot of things forever. While some of these changes will be unexpected, many will just be a fast-forwarding of trends that were already taking place. Based on a recent New York Times editorial about life in 2022 after […]

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