Four Reasons Why Free Website Builders Are A Waste of Time & Effort

Maybe you registered a domain name with GoDaddy or Network Solutions and saw a tempting offer for a low cost or free website building tool.  Or saw an eye-catching ad for a free Squarespace or WIX site. Claims of “Free,” “Easy,” “Stylish templates” are very tempting.  But here’s my advice why you should run for […]

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Why Websites Still Matter

There is a lot of online competition these days vying for a users’ attention — TikTok, Facebook, social media in general, not to mention the copious number of videos on YouTube and other platforms.  For small and medium-sized businesses, some pundits are even questioning the need for websites at all for a variety of reasons, or […]

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10 Things Your Website Must Have to Be Successful

Websites come in all flavors and stripes, reflecting the wide variety of companies and the businesses they serve.  While some sites are ecommerce sites selling products directly from the site itself, most are virtual calling cards and store fronts designed to communicate a series of messages.  The question is, what message is your website communicating […]

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The Best Way to Format a Blog Post

Blog posts are a great way to let clients and prospects sample your knowledge and expertise. While the the main pages of your website are mainly used for selling your products and services and explaining the various features, your blog should mainly be used for education and information about the products and services you offer. […]

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Eight Things I Learned Running My Own Business

Before starting Samson Media I had been a public relations video producer for over 20 years.  It was around 1995 that I became enamored by the Internet.  As a hobby, I had started a website based on my dog called the Adventures of Lucy The Wonder Dog.   This side hustle (working full time and commuting […]

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SEO Case Study – Sales Coach

Granted, we’ve been optimizing the website for our client Susan Ascher for a couple of years now, so it’s no surprise that her SEO rankings have soared, but it’s still worth noting all the ongoing efforts that we perform that have worked to get this long-time coaching client toward the top of page 1 […]

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Surveying 2016 with a Look Towards 2017

Well that went fast! Looks like another year is nearly in the books so it’s time for our annual survey results. Thanks to all those subscribers of our newsletter for taking valuable time out from their busy days to fill out our year-end survey.  You’ll find some interesting results below. It’s this time of year […]

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