Pay Per Click Ad Rates Plummet While Audiences Are Up

Pay Per Click Ad Rates Plummet While Audiences Are Up

According to several recent studies during the pandemic, Pay Per Click ad rates are down substantially due to many traditional advertisers such as entertainment and travel sitting on the sidelines .


According to a Wall Street Journal report,  “…the cost to put an ad in front of Facebook users 1,000 times in March dropped 15% to 20%.”  

Conversely, according to Mobile Marketer, this may present an opportunity for businesses still operating who want to take advantage of lower ad costs but higher user rates:  

“Facebook’s declining CPMs may create an opportunity for mobile marketers seeking to reach consumers who have grown more reliant on the social network to stay connected with the outside world as the pandemic keeps them stuck at home.”


While Facebook ad rates are down and users are up, what about the 800lb gorilla, Google Adwords?

Since the Coronavirus pandemic struck the US in early March, conversion rates on Google Adwords ads have plummeted by 21%, according to WordStream.

“Conversions” are measured by the rate at which a person searching on Google actually clicks on the ads.

So does this mean don’t bother advertising on Google search?

Well, it depends on which industries you look at. According to the same WordStream study, there are 7 industry groups doing extremely well with pay per click rates, impressions, clicks and conversions.  Let’s take a look:



 Non-Profits and charities:

  • A 10% increase in search ad impressions.
  • A 23% increase in search ad conversions.
  • A 20% increase in search ad conversion rate.

Health and Medical

Painkillers, medical supplies

  • 34% increase in ad clicks
  • 47% increase in ad conversions

 Business Management

Mainly searches around office supplies, remote working, packing and shipping

  • 23% increase in searches
  • 35% increase in ad search clicks


Lot’s of searches for professional investment help.  The perfect storm, here — more searches, lower rates.

  • 30% increase in searches for accounting
  • 19% decrease in cost per click rates

Beauty and Personal Care

Increases for self-care as well as soaps and hand sanitizer

  • 21% increase in skin care searches
  • 3% decline in cost per click charges

On-Demand Media

Exploding demand as more people stay home

  • 102% increase in ad conversions

Greetings, Gifts and Flowers

A great way to stay in touch with friends and loved ones via delivery services

  • Searches for cards and greetings have seen a 15% increase in conversion rate.
  • Searches for gift baskets have seen a 30% increase in conversion rate.
  • Searches for floral arrangements have seen a 43% increase in conversion rate.


If your business is still operating and you are still servicing clients and, more importantly, able to take on new clients during this time, now is NOT the time to fade quietly into the background.

Now is the time to be useful. Be helpful.  Be VISIBLE.  This will end at some point, so when things start to get back to some degree of normal and people begin to venture out, make sure the seeds you plant now will be harvested tomorrow.

For help setting up a Google ad campaign or Facebook ad campaign, please view our services page by clicking HERE.

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